1. 國家蛋雞產業技術體系💁🏿,CARS-40-K20,生產與環境控製😻,2021-2025🗒,275萬▫️;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,32172779👨🏽🚒,基於微生物-腸-腦軸研究5-HT調控蛋雞啄羽行為的作用機製;2022.01-2025.12,58萬👨🏿💻;
3. 國家自然科學基金,32002220,褪黑素通過mTOR信號通路調控內質網應激介導蛋雞卵巢顆粒細胞凋亡的分子機製,2021.01-2024.12,25萬元
4. 河北省自然科學基金,C2020204163,褪黑素通過Foxo1信號通路調控氧化應激誘導蛋雞卵巢顆粒細胞凋亡的分子機製🛄,2021.01-2024.12,25萬元
1.Hao Erying, et al. The relationship between the mTOR signaling pathway and ovarian aging in peak-phase and late-phase laying hens[J]. Poultry Science, 2021, 100(1): 334-347(中科院分區:二區Top)
2.Hao Erying, et al. Melatonin regulates the ovarian function and enhances follicle growth in aging laying hens via activating the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway[J]. Poultry Science, 2020, 99(4): 2185-2195. (中科院分區:二區Top)
3. Hao Erying, et al. Melatonin regulates chicken granulosa cell proliferation and apoptosis by activating the mTOR signaling pathway via its receptors [J]. Poultry Science, 2020, 99(11): 6147-6162. (中科院分區:二區Top)
4.Hao Erying, et al. Dietary Supplementation with Ferula Improves Productive Performance, Serum Levels of Reproductive Hormones, and Reproductive Gene Expression in Aged Laying Hens[J]. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2021, 23.4:001-010. (中科院分區👩🏼🚀💥:四區)
5. Hao Erying, et al. Effect of Feed Restriction and Photoperiod on Reproduction and LEPR, MELR mRNA Expression of Layers[J]. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2019, 21.3:001-008. (中科院分區:四區)
6. Hao Erying, et al. The Effect of Different concentrations of Atmospheric Ammonia (NH3) on Production Performance and Immunological Performance of Laying Hens [J]. Zoological Society of Pakistan, 2020, Accept. (中科院分區⚆:四區)
7. Hao Erying, et al. Tissue Oxidative Stress and Expression of Chicken UCP and ANT mRNA in Laying Hens Exposed to Acute Cold Stress[J]. Zoological Society of Pakistan, 2020, Accept. (中科院分區:四區)
8.郝二英. 外源褪黑素對產蛋後期蛋雞生產性能、血液指標及體內褪黑素水平的影響[J].動物營養學報,2020,32(05):2126-2137(一級學報)
9.郝二英. 高低鈣飼糧交替飼餵對蛋雞產蛋後期生產性能👩🏻🏫、蛋品質及血清指標的影響[J]. 動物營養學報,2018,30(04):112-120.(一級學報)
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