(1) Xu H J, et al., 2022. Growth performance, digestibility, blood metabolites, ruminal fermentation, and bacterial communities in response to the inclusion of gallic acid in the starter feed of preweaning dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(4), 3078-3089.
(2) XU H J, et al., 2021. Effects of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on growth performance, fecal scores, vitamin D3 metabolites, antioxidant status, and inflammatory and stress-related parameters in weaning calves. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 281: 114946.
(3) XU H J, et al., 2021. Fresh and cryopreserved semen, minerals, hormones and health characteristics in response to reciprocal combinations of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the mature and prepubertal Holstein bulls' diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 281: 115094.
(4) XU H J, et al., 2021. Effects of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and oral calcium bolus on lactation performance, Ca homeostasis, and health of multiparous dairy cows. Animals, 11: 1576.
(5) XU H J, et al., 2021. Effects of dietary 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on the lactation performance, blood metabolites, antioxidant and immune function in dairy cows. Livestock Science, 248: 104497.
(6) 徐宏建, et al., 2020. 25-羥基維生素 D3的生理功能及其在動物生產中的應用.動物營養學報, 32 (4): 1491-1498.
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